Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Thank you for not littering plans

The children's awareness are still low about littering. Well we all the teachers have plan for the next week, to put posters on the place that children can see it, even parents who wait outside the school can see and read it. I hope it will work effectively. Well let's see for the whole next week.

To know "Soya bean"

This week we experiment about "beans", now we do the products from soya bean. K-A class were so exciting about this.

The soya bean's products are soya bean milk and "TEMPE".

"TEMPE" is Indonesian traditional original food that made of soya bean was being fermented before.
Fried Tempe is very delicious one, children can taste it after that. Even they know tempe and ever eat tempe, but their awareness about tempe are still low. And they will learn the benefits for body health when we eat tempe or other soya bean products.
Do you guys want to taste it too ? :)

everybody love it !!!

the soyabean milk seller (push cart)

To know "Mung Bean"

Our Kindergarten A class did the experiment that planting green beans.
Tools  that we need :
1. used plastic glass
2. green beans
3. cotton

First put cotton in the glass, after that pour the water in to the glass, not too much only make the cotton wet.
Then we'll put the green beans inside the glass, wait and see every hour and everyday the beans' growth.
Put the glass nearby the light.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Braiding follow the shape

Tools that you need : used wraping paper, used hard paper (carton box, etc) and shoe laces.

First thing stick the wraping paper on the carton paper, then you draw a car pattern on it (or animal pattern or anything). After that cut following the pattern and make holes on every egde of the car shape. Now your baby can do the braiding test by using shoe laces, isn't it easy rite?

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Hand washing activity

1. make the handwashing place more fun, stick cartoon stickers or put some funny posters. Green color also makes children feel clean and comfortable.

2. funny water tap :)

3. with 3 water taps, you can make example of how to wash hands more comfortable for parents or teachers. Well at home at least you need 2 water taps side by side.

4. make handwash place is reachable, reachable water tap can make them motivated.

5. three different liquid soaps, the childs can choose which one they like more. We as grown-up are also very fancy about our soaps , rite? :)

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Children's Flu Fighters

I edit the poster by adding the mandarin words, we put it on the wall in each classroom. You can use it too. :)  Please visit their website :

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

6 tips to make your children wash their hands

Step 1

Sing, chant, jingle or cheer. Kids need to lather up for at least ten to fifteen seconds to kill germs. Singing the ABC's once slowly or twice quickly does the trick for young kids. Have older children recite multiplication tables or a jingle from their favorite commercial to fill the time. When they are done with the song, they are done with their hand washing.

Step 2

Hang posters in the bathroom representing good hand washing technique. Soap companies and preschool education websites are a couple of resources.

Step 3

Blast germs with superheroes. Put stickers of your child's favorite superhero on the soap container and tell your child that he is going to fight the germs. This is even more fun if you talk the part of the soap hero and let your child be the germs or vise versa.

Step 4

Buy two different types of soap with different scents. Tell your child to wash up and then try to guess which soap they used.

Step 5

Use waterless alcohol-based, antiseptic gel which is much quicker and more convenient than soap and water. Let your kids pick their favorite scent and keep it in their backpack. Use soap and water if hands are soiled.

Step 6

Compete with your kids. Put up a chart and have everyone put a sticker on it each time they wash their hands following the proper rules. Let the winner have a special treat.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Honesty, the Best Policy

Children need to learn that benefiting from manipulating or lying to others is dishonest and unworthy of them.

What to do

• 1. Tell the story about the boy who cried "Wolf!" so many times to get attention that when the wolf finally came, no one believed him.

• 2. Ask your child if anyone has ever lied to her. How did that make her feel?

• 3. Be careful to follow through on things you say to your child. Commitments that may seem minor to you can mean a lot to your child. Make promises and keep them.

Gifts From the Heart

What you'll need

• Crayons, pencils, paints, or other art supplies

• Paper

• Packaging from around the house

• Your child's special gift

What To Do

• 1. Talk to your child about gift giving. What does it mean to give something to someone else?

• 2. Instead of buying a gift, have your child make a gift. Does your child have a special talent? Maybe your child would like to sing or write a song for a relative? Is there a chore your child could do? Maybe wash the dishes for a week. Is there a special toy that could be loaned to a sister or brother for a week?

• 3. Use materials from around the house so that little, if any, money is spent.

• 4. If the gift is an activity or chore, have your child make a card with a note on it, telling what the gift will be.

• 5. Have your child use imagination in making an inviting package. Perhaps your child could paint a small rock and wrap it in a big box. Or make an envelope out of the comics from the Sunday newspaper.

Respect and Compassion for Others

What to do

• 1. Set a good example by acting respectfully toward others. Always make clear that prejudice is wrong and that all of us are equals, no matter our color, gender, or background.

• 2. Show an interest in learning about and from others--from neighbors and relatives, and from books about our own and other civilizations. Tell your child interesting things you have learned.

• 3. Encourage your child to learn about many different lands and people, to learn more than one language, and to read stories about children from all over the world. Show your child how you try to see things from the point of view of others.

• 4. Listen attentively when your child wants to tell you about interesting things discovered about history, geography, religions, art, and ways of life.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

How to make your child has responsibility ?

What Do We Mean by Responsibility?

None of us is born acting responsibly. A responsible character is formed over time. It is made up of our outlook and daily habits associated with feelings, thoughts, and actions. Responsible people act the way they should whether or not anyone is watching. They do so because they understand that it's right and because they have the courage and self-control to act decently, even when tempted to do otherwise.

We want our children to appreciate the importance of being responsible. We also want them to develop the habits and strength to act this way in their everyday lives. Learning to be responsible includes learning to
1. Respect and Compassion for Others
"Daddy, why was Grandma crying?"

"She is very sad. One of her closest friends just died. Come and sit with me. Do you remember how you felt when your gerbil, Whiskers, died? "
"I felt sad and lonely."
"I'm sure Grandma feels that way, too. Maybe you can think of a way to help her."
"I could give her a hug..."
"That's a great idea! I'm really glad you thought of it."

2. Honesty

 To understand the importance of being truthful to others, our children need to learn that living together depends on trust. Without honesty, trusting each other becomes impossible.

3. Courage

Courage does not mean never being afraid. It can involve trying to overcome our fears, such as a fear of the dark. But our children also need to learn that sometimes it is all right to be afraid.

"Daddy, a man showed us money by the school playground today."
"What did you do? "
"We ran for the teacher."
"Why did you do that? "
"We were scared. You and Mommy and our teacher Mrs. Jones said never take anything from grownups we don't know. Run away. Go and tell somebody we know. "

"Good for you. It was right to be scared. Lots of people are nice, but some are very mean. They can hurt you. The mean ones sometimes try to fool people by pretending to be nice. Now, tell me, what did the man look like?"

4. Self respect

While we help children have high standards for themselves, we also need to let them know that failure is no embarrassment when we have done our best. For example, losing a game when we have played our best, and our opponents have simply played better, is no disgrace.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Tell me how you're feeling 告诉我你心里 from Deborah J.Stewart

Tell me how you're feeling
gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling happy
ruguo ni hen gaoxing

Then laugh with me this way.
ni gen wo xiao yi xiao

Tell me how you're feeling

gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling sad
ruguo ni zai shangxin

Then cry with me this way.
ni gen wo ku yi ku

Tell me how you're feeling
gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling nervous
ruguo ni hen jinzhang

Then jump with me this way.
ni gen wo tiao yi tiao

Tell me how you're feeling
gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling scared
ruguo ni hen haipa
Then shake with me this way.
ni gen wo yao yi yao

Tell me how you're feeling
gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling angry
ruguo ni zai sheng qi

Then stomp with me this way.
ni gen wo dong dong jiao

Tell me how you're feeling
gaosu wo ni xinli

On this special day
zai zhe yi tian

If you're feeling tired
ruguo ni hen lei

Then yawn with me this way.
ni gen wo da ha ce

translated by Danny 2010

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

A little bird

When I saw a little bird, came hop....hop....hop
So I cried to little bird to stop...stop....stop
I was going to the window to say "how do you do?"
But it shook its little tail and far away it flew

An English song from Rheinald

How to wash your hand properly

Coloring activity : the "Batik" pattern

Batik is Indonesian heritage that is from Java island. We made it as coloring activity that can make children aware about our heritage. You can visit : , to know better about "Batik"
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