I think it's absolutely right, till now I can feel that the holiday hasn't been over yet.

The 3's class were bringing two eggs from home, one egg is only the egg and the other one has already been added ornaments or drawn or painted or put a hat, etc. We are hoping that children and parents can enjoy working and designing the egg together at home. There will be a competition for that, we have prizes too for the winners :)
The other egg is for the egg hunt activity . We hide the eggs from the children and add some more eggs from the teachers to be hidden. It's Ms. E's turn this year to hide those eggs in the garden and at the playground. Last year was my turn to hide those eggs, they didn't pick me up again for this year because I am the master of hiding eggs. They said it's too difficult to find if I was hiding it .LOL :D. (it's only under those dry leaves anyway....)
So maybe we still can find last year eggs in the garden, Hahahahaha.......................
After we finish collecting the designed eggs from the children and put those on the table for displaying. And now we are starting to hunt the hidden eggs. How exciting they are, just like hunting a treasure.
The children are walking around ,running around, wandering around, confusing around :),...................
It's very contrast the differences between a child who has confidence and a child doesn't have any.
A confidence child already found 1 or 2 eggs, meanwhile the other was starting to cry.
And this the time we have to guide them to find the egg.
After each of them at least got one or two eggs, we finish the egg hunt and go to our classroom.
In the class room, we clean the eggs first then everyone have to eat the eggs by peeling it first.
Just a few of them can peel off the egg skin cleanly, most of them were just complaining and saying that they never did that before. And I said,"If you want to eat the egg, you have to try to get rid the skin first."
Suddenly a girl came to me, and telling me," Mr.Danny, what happened with my egg, it's melting from the inside...!!"
When I saw her hand, it already got messy of egg york.
"Haha, you never saw the half boiled egg, ya ?"
"This is what will happen if your mom was too busy in the morning." Or maybe her mom was mixed up with her dad's breakfast egg or something.
But anyway, and then I asked her,"Do you like the taste?"
She said," I like the taste, sir."

"So now you understand about "half-boiled", so next time you can order the half boiled egg from your mom." :)
I will be very proud that I hope in the morning my students can say to their mom ," Mommy, I want to order half boiled egg, please.." :D
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